March/April Newsletter TopicsSENG Model Parent Discussion Groups starting Connections Conference Recap Summer Programs Calling all Parent Groups! Recent Articles SENG Model Parent Discussion GroupsDiscussion groups are a great way to meet other parents and discuss the ups and downs of living with intense, sensitive, perfectionistic gifted kids. A new set of groups are starting up in late April. Edmonds/Mountlake Terrace (More Info) Seattle (More Info) Tacoma (More Info) Bellevue (More Info) Learn more about SENG Discussion Groups Full List of SENG Model Parent Group Facilitators Are you a SENG facilitator ready to start a group? We will gladly advertise SENG groups in future newsletters--please let us know if you are starting one. Connections Conference RecapThis year's conference was our biggest ever--with 250 parents and kids attending, we were full to capacity! The Spy Camp kids program was a big hit, and we heard that it made it so much easier for both parents to attend, so we hope to be able to offer that again next year. Missed the event? Take a look at the slides from the conference presentations We are looking for a bigger venue for next year so that we can accommodate more families. If you have ideas for venues to consider, or speakers you'd like to hear from, please let us know. Summer Programs Already!Some of the most exciting summer programs fill up fast, and have been taking registrations for several weeks already. Summer programs can be a social lifeline for gifted kids, as well as provide inspirational academic enrichment. The UW Robinson Center for Young Scholars in Seattle hosts terrific summer programs for highly capable students finishing 5th & 6th grade, and also middle & high schoolers. Registration started on March 10, spots go fast! Registration John's Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) now offers their signature residential summer programs for 7th graders and older at Seattle University. Registration Epsilon Camp, a national two-week summer residential camp for profoundly gifted students who love math, ages 8-11, with their parents, will be held at Seattle Pacific University this year. They also have announced a new offering, Delta Camp, for 6-7 year olds. Epsilon Registration Delta Registration The Davidson Institute for Talent Development in Reno, NV hosts the THINK Summer Institute for profoundly gifted kids ages 13-16 and is now taking registrations. Registration Summer Institute for the Gifted at Overlake School in Redmond, WA is now taking applications for kids ages 5-12 for their 3-week program in July. Registration The Institute for Educational Advancement's summer camps, Yunasa (Michigan) and Yunasa West (Colorado), unite students with experts in the social and emotional development of highly able youngsters. Yunasa, the Lakota word for 'balance,' is a week-long camp for highly gifted youth between the ages of 10 and 14. They are great at accommodating special diets, btw. Registration The Summit Center's Camp Summit for the Gifted on California's coastline offers a camp for gifted students ages 9-14. Created especially for developing the "inner and outer nature" of gifted youth, Camp Summit provides a staff uniquely qualified to nurture such a community. Registration Full list of summer programs (fixed link, sorry!) Happy planning! MoonBots ChallengeThe 2014 MoonBots Challenge is an international on-line competition that challenges youth from 9 to 17 years old to form a team, and design, create and program robots to simulate lunar missions. More Info NaPoWriMo started April 1Need a little inspiration to write some poetry? NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April. Inspired by NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, which typically happens in November. More Info Calling all Parent Groups!We only have current contact information for about 20 parent groups in the state, and we know there are way more out there. If you belong to a group, whether it's associated with a school district or not, would you please drop us a line about where you are located and how best to reach your group? Email us ArticlesStudy: Students who miss the cutoff for gifted programs are not harmed My Child is Gifted: Do You Think I'm Bragging Now? Shout it from the Rooftops, My Child is Gifted They Myth that Hurts Gifted Learners Discovering the Gifted Ex-Child Introversion: the Often Forgotten Factor Gifted + Learning Disabled = No Desk for You New Data Shows Kids with Disabilities Shut out of Gifted Programs, Held Back Understanding High Energy Gifted Kids Donate to NWGCA!Looking for a great place to make a tax-deductible donation that really counts? We appreciate all donations, large and small, to help us reach out to parent groups across the state, provide resources, workshops, and our yearly conference. Donate to NWGCA
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