How do you homeschool a 2e child?
It's a challenging and daunting task to be sure! Here is one recommendation--find out exactly what you're dealing with. Whether that means combing through records and staff notes from a school the child attended previously, asking a knowledgeable friend/associate/professional to spend some time observing the child, or getting full-blown psychological testing, Knowing the nature and extent of the child's challenges, weaknesses, and strengths is the single most important tool you can add to your arsenal. We all know this instinctively. After all, none of us would attempt to fix a broken appliance without first getting an idea of what in it might be broken. Is it a pipe, a circuit, a motor? Each requires a different approach. It's the same with your 2e child. You wouldn't use a visual-based curriculum with a blind child, of course. So how can you make that choice without first knowing what issues the child faces and more about those -isms? |
Here are some resources we shared at Washington Homeschool Organization's 2018 Conference: